My question relates to a Mind Map and Power Point

Simon shared this question 12 months ago

I have made a Mind Map and wish to move this to a power point presentation.

Replies (3)


Mindmanager skipped the Export to PowerPoint several releases ago, because they offer better alternatives, like html5, or publish.

However... I would love to have it again.


Ofcourse you can Export to image and copy paste these in your PowerPoint. Sometimes that maybe good enough


Mind Manager has its own slide facility. I don’t find this very useful but you can export the resulting slides as images which as Ary said you can paste into PowerPoint. If you have a lot of images it’s quicker to import them into PowerPoint as an album.

The resulting PowerPoint presentation is a set of static images which does not engage with PowerPoint’s slide heading and dot point structure. If you want to import the map as an outline which can be edited in PowerPoint you will have to export it to Word and then from there to PowerPoint (the ability to do the latter directly is available only in some versions of Word). If you want to go down this route it’s best to nominate a Word template when exporting from MindManager.

Finally, depending on what you want to do there are options within MindManager that offer alternatives to PowerPont. These include the slide facility I mentioned earlier, and as Ary has pointed out you can also export or publish an HTML5 version of the map. MindManager also has its own presentation mode where you can step through the various topics and levels of a map. However, despite all these features I still want the facility to export directly to PowerPoint to be reinstated, ideally updated and based on the current dialogue system used to export to Word and Excel.
