Looking for a Functional Decomposition Diagram Template

Judy G. shared this question 12 months ago
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Does MindMap have this template I can't find a search feature in templates to try and locate this diagram Thanks so much!

Replies (3)


Hi Judy,

what would you like to do? I don't know the translation of the term.



Good Morning Rene and Thank you for reaching out - I am trying to break down a subject on Stock Option Trading Basics to the finite, then build it back up to teach a class to folks that don't know anything about the subject. I read that the "Functional Decomposition Diagram" could do it but can't find a template named that, hence the question:) If you have any ideas of another map that could help, please let me know need all the advice I can get:) Thanks again and Happy New Year!


Check out Biggerplate: https://www.biggerplate.com/. While I'm aware there are differences between WBS and functional decomposition diagrams, Biggerplate has a couple of WBS templates that might be useful. Bear in mind the Biggerplate site requires registration to download templates which it provides for a range of programs, not just MindManager.


Good Morning Alex, and Thank you so much for your response - That is a Great Resource to know about and I will definitely be using it :) Thanks again for reaching out and Happy New Year!


Hi Judy,

Trading is not my speciality. That's why it's difficult for me to give tips on this subject.
This raises a question for me. Would you like to model processes or tasks?
I have been organising seminars and training courses myself for many years. All my documents are MindMaps and I also present with MindManager. If you like, we can talk about this.



Hummm good question - I am trying to deconstruct is a better word the process down to a finite level and then build it back up - I plan on using the Mindmap to 1st educate on what it is then 2nd task on how to do :) Would love to chat how would we get together? Thanks again and Happy Thursday :)


Hi Judy,

send an email and then we can think about how to do it.
I have one more question. Which functions of MindManager do you use at work and what do you use it for?


