Not able to type on Keyboard while using MindmangerGo on Iphone or Ipad

Bobby M. shared this question 6 months ago
Discussion Open

I've been experiencing an issue with MindmanagerGo, and I'm patiently waiting for MM to resolve it. The problem occurs when I attempt to add a message in the dialog box - the keyboard appears but then instantly retracts beneath the visible screen of my iPhone or iPad. I've attached a screenshot below that shows the keyboard disappearing under the screen. Can anyone else confirm if they're facing the same problem? Initially, I thought this was a glitch unique to my phone, but I've also replicated the issue on my iPad.


Replies (8)


On my Android...

If I click on the screen - it looks the same as your image - the keyboard appears, as I would expect.


Have just reproduced the behaviour on my iPad Air 2. The keyboard disappeared somehow and I was able to bring it back by just typing again beneath the pencil.


I tried your suggestion, but it did not work on either my phone or Ipad. It does work on my desk top snap app. This has been very frustrating, as I use this app constantly while on the road visiting customer to take notes. Please (Mindmanger) fix this issue.


Meanwhile I need to agree to @Bobby, unfortunately. It is (meanwhile) impossible to create new notes. This was working properly for many years.


Thank you for your feedback, @detef.huss. As my annual renewal approaches, I'm questioning the value of continuing to pay for the software if I haven't been able to utilize it for the past five months.


Meanwhile I have found out, that it works fine on iOS 15.*, but fails on iOS 17.*. The Mindjet-Support has agreed to my result, stating they would search for a solution. What ever that would mean.

The MindManager is my upmost important tool! Therefore, I'm in no doubt about the subscription.

Regarding MM Go, I meanwhile tend to abstain from the snap-funtionality. Instead I tend to use OneNote and copy and paste later into the respective map. My habit is to have extensive, thoroughly maintained maps. OneNote ia a great tool on the go. Hence, why should I quarrel with the restrictions of MM Go? I'm tired about the endless "edit functionality" discussions.

Let us enjoy the great values both out of MindManager and OneNote!


I wanted to send myself the picture via Snap. ;-) It does not work.

I saw this a few days ago. I thought it was due to the internet connection.

It still worked on 25 January. Could it have something to do with the last update?



Hi all,

I just tested the MindManager Go app on my Android.

Created a SNAP with text set to my snap queue

The same with a picture made with the snap app

And the same with an image from my library

All 3 appear in my snap queue on my Windows desktop with MindManager vs 23.1.240

Do you have the same, or Iphone etc???



Yes, I was able to replicate this problem on my iPad.
