Older Versions - complete installation data needed

Daniela V. shared this question 7 months ago

Dear support,

we bought single perpetual licences for the versions MindManager Windows 19 and MindManager Windows20. After the Windows 11-Rollout we need to reinstall the versions, but we don't have the complete installation files (... _redist.exe) for these versions and they are not on your homepage anymore. Is it possible to offer us the old downloads for these versions in 32- and 64-bit, because we will also update Microsoft office to 2021 LTSC but it is still noch clear if we update to 32-bit-version or 64-bit-version.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Daniela Vogt


Team Application Management (AM)

Geschäftsbereich IT - Abt. Betriebswirtschaftliche Systeme

Universitätsklinikum Münster (UKM)

Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1, Gebäude H73

Anfahrtsadresse: Hüfferstr. 73 – 79

48149 Münster

T +49 (0) 251 83-55729



Replies (1)


Hello Daniela,

Support for MindManager 2019 and 2020 has been retired and the download links have been removed from our website. For download assistance, please open a support ticket here - https://www.mindmanager.com/en/support/contact/

Please note: Only MindManager 2022 and later has been officially tested and certified for Windows 11. Older versions may run but are not supported on this operating system - https://www.mindmanager.com/en/support/system-requirements/

Best regards,

