Number List Behavior Mixed Types based on Level

jeffreywhunter shared this question 9 months ago
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When editing a Note. How can I manage the numbering scheme for Number Lists? I want to be able to have a list like the following:

1. Main Item 1

2. Main Item 2

a. Sub-item 1

b. Sub-item 2

3. Main Item 3

All I can get is the following:

1. Main Item 1

2. Main Item 2

1. Sub-item 1

2. Sub-item 2

3. Main Item 3


a. Main Item 1

b. Main Item 2

a. Sub-item 1

b. Sub-item 2

3. Main Item 3

Replies (1)


Unfortunately, the MindManager topic notes editor is very basic and does not support multi-level numbering, at least not officially.

However, there is an undocumented workaround. Topic notes will retain some basic forms of multi-level numbering in text imported from Word if this has been set up using Word's numbered header styles, including formats like:

1. Topic 1

a. Subtopic 1

b. Subtopic 2

2. Topic 2

You can them add or delete topics at each topic level in the notes. Putting the cursor on a topic and hitting return will result in the next line continuing numbering at the same level. If you want to demote this topic, select a topic elsewhere in the notes at the level you want, click on the Format Painter icon (the one within the Notes ribbon, not the main MM map one) then click back on the topic you want to change.

In theory you can import a set of headings from Word into topic notes to use as a template. However, I suggest you experiment with this before doing anything major, as there are quite a few limitations. Unlike Word, legal numbering isn't recognised in topic notes. The technique I described above only seems to work properly when demoting topics and unfortunately not when promoting them to a higher level and, unlike Word, indenting does not automatically produce a level change. In theory you can change number format at each level independently, but the results can be unpredictable.

In summary, this approach is best used with short two-level lists. I wouldn't exactly recommend using it to write complex multi-level documents hundreds of pages long.
