Update on JIRA task

itouman shared this question 12 months ago

I am testing the new JIRA integration feature of mindmanager 23.1.
I can import JIRA tasks into mindmanager, but the topics in mindmanager are read-only and cannot be updated.
Is this a limitation of JIRA's permission management? Or, is there some setting that allows updates to be made from the MM side?
By the way, I am using JIRA's free plan for this verification.

Replies (1)



Thanks for trying the new Jira Integration in MindManager.

In MindManager, the following can be changed and synced back to Jira -

  • Priority
  • Resource (Assignee)
  • Status
  • Start Date
  • Due Due

Jira governance and workflow rules may prevent you from making these changes in MindManager. If you receive errors when changing values in the aforementioned fields, check your Jira workflow settings.

Best regards,



Thank you for your response.
Indeed, I was able to confirm that the status can be changed and updated.
However, the start date and due date seem to be unstable, as they can and cannot be renewed.
I would like to try a few more things.
In any case, this new JIRA integration feature is very interesting and seems to have great potential.
Thank you.


How did you map the date fields to MindManager? The default is 'Date Property' which is read-only. Set it to 'Task Start Date' and 'Task Due Date' to be able to edit and sync.

I hope that helps.


