Ok, enjoyed Alex seminar today. Used MindManager years.. Need to talk about new version.

Robert N. shared this question 16 months ago
Discussion Open

Replies (5)


Okay, let's talk about it ;-) Ask your questions.




Having used MindManager, off and on for several projects, it was always a positive tool and most helpful. Recently a new project, first for myself, but could meet an existing communication need. While this project is not completed, it could develop into a dynamic new program. This could end up being a novel application of MindManager, that I have not yet found.

My computer are good, not super yet. I will be relocating my office by year end, having build a new computer. Today two of my computer for this project at Microsolf 365, with nearly anicnet MindManger Pro X5, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver on one pc and Gigabit Geforce graphic, plus a few other options.

There a three quesitons. First, can I upgrade my MindManger to a newer version, I have, I think three Pro X5, but only need one upgrade. Second, what recommendations would you suggest for your new versions? Lastly, does MindManger have any way of working on external projects, thus coupling the MindManager program with another program?

This could be a unique application and could be patentable. I think this is real, I have a prior history in developing new projects and products, for larger corporations, domestic and foreign, the government, numerous publications, a few patents, and several awards for new products. Basically, I am not a programmer, simply a good idea with a perceived market, and going to use MindManger in this project. You can contact me by phone at 585.385.8964. Bob

Two that I will be


Hi Robert,
I have been using Mindmanager in various versions since 2005. Especially for project and process work, a lot has happened since 2005. It is difficult to explain what has changed. I recommend simply installing the test version and then being amazed at what has been done.

I work as a coach and trainer in project management and I use it for all areas of my work.
I have the Professional licence as a subscription.

What do you mean by working on external projects?

Where are they located?



I suggest you contact MindManager support regarding upgrades but I suspect your versions are far too old to qualify and you will probably need to get a new licence via purchase or subscription.

As for integrating with other programs, there are a number of options. MindManager can import from and export to MS Word and Excel for example, and can be linked to other applications via Zapier. It can also link to MS Outlook (.pst file only).

It’s also worth looking at the range of templates MM comes with and those available via Biggerplate, as well as the various add-ins that are available, for example from Olympic Limited. It may be possible that your idea has already been thought of, or conversely some of these templates and add-ons will give you useful tools for what you’re trying to do.


Thank you, will follow up on your suggestions. Bob


I believe we fell into an AI trap again.

The questions are so unrelated, several answers are so obvious and easy to find, that I have reported this one.


Hi Ary,

On reflection, I have a sinking feeling you could be right.

And the really annoying thing is that by responding in good faith we could just be inadvertently training the underlying AI algorithm that generates this stuff, thus reinforcing my theory that most AI is just one big plagiarism machine.


Thank you, I will be follow up with your suggestions. Bob
