Lien Dynamic avec des fichiers Word

PATRICK G. shared this question 16 months ago

Existe il une méthode pour créer un lien dynamique entre un fichier source Word et le résultat dans MindManager? Autre dit, si je modifie le fichier source Word le fichier MM se met il à jour? et éventuellement est ce possible pour la réciproque?

Replies (1)


Unfortunately MindManager can't link directly to Word dynamically. You can "round trip" fairly straight-forward material between Word and MindManager but even this has to be set up in fairly precise ways to get the right result at both ends.

You may be able to set up links between specific topics and parts of a Word document with Zapier, but I've never used it so I don't know if this is possible. You can also set up dynamic links between MindManager and either Excel ranges or Access tables so in theory you could use either program to set up an indirect link with, say, fields in a Word document that way.
