Can Gantt Pro show tasks even if the MindMap has no date or duration info?

Steven C. shared this question 19 months ago

My mind map shows a work breakdown structure with many of the topics having start/end/duration/effort information. They all show up as expected in Gantt Pro. However there are some topics which don't yet have the timing info and they do not appear in the Gantt. Is there a setting I have missed that I need to check to ensure all topics in the WBS are shown in the Gantt?

Replies (1)


Hello Steven,

Only topics that have both Start and Due dates or Milestones will show in Gantt Pro.

Best regards,



Thanks. It would be ideal if all topics imported into Gantt Pro as the export is not an accurate reflection of the WBS as created in MindManager. I hope it is a feature considered in the future.




Given that Gantt charts are based on showing tasks om a chart where the X axis is a timeline, it's hard to see how it would show tasks without any timing information.

The one potential exception I can think of would a checklist of untimed items (like a parts list) which has a timed task as a parent topic. The ability to show these in some way would be a useful addition to the Gantt facility in MindManager..


I could also use dummy timing info but I like that idea Alex.


A WBS is only one form of project structure. The Gantt chart is a view of a map that shows only the tasks. It can also be used with tasks embedded around a map that is not a WBS.

To ensure that everything in a WBS has task info:

  1. Select the root topic of the WBS
  2. Press Ctrl+D until the whole tree is expanded, or click View > Expand > Show All Levels
  3. Press Shift+F3 or click Advanced > Select > Select Descendants to select everything in the WBS
  4. Click Task > Add Task Info. Any topic without task info will be marked as a task. If it already has task info, this is not altered.


When I define the tasks I should also define the dependencies. Each task has a predecessor some the project start. So I have the earliest start date.
As Nick D. described in point 4, each task gets a flat 1 day duration.
Then I can work with it and make for example a first planning for these tasks.
