smart rule + formula

Jörg shared this question 18 months ago
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Is it possible to set a formula in a topic with a smart rule ?
I don't wont to copy the formula to some topics when I import the new version of a excel sheet.

Replies (5)


for a better understanding....

formula = [Symbol_Wert_Abfrage]=SUMME(Nachfolger.[symbol_wert]), so MM looks for the value nothing to do for me

but when I want to edit this with a smart rule, it's only possibel to get the folder to write the value by myself
with smart rule
with formula


Hi Jörg,

I am not aware of this possibility. Is the data imported with the Data Excel Mapper?

Perhaps the formula can be copied with the help of a Marco?


Hi Rene,
in the project we have a Excel sheet which I want to import through MM with Data Excel Mapper.
The formula is not in Excel, I want to get the formula by a smart rule to get a better overview above the Excel informations.
The excel list change every day, otherwise its easy to copy the formula for one time... but every day.
I have no experience with makros in MM.


That's the problem with the Excel Data Mapper, that after the next syncronisation everything will be override.
Own formatting, formulas etc. have to be entered again and again.
Using a macro was an idea, but I have no experience with it.


It looks like there is no easy way for a solution of this...So I change in the Excel Data Mapper the position of the task, so they are among themselves. So it's easy to copy the formula after new reading from the excel sheet into this topic. Not fine but it works.
