Cannot open Settings (Mac 22/14)

Thomas S. shared this question 21 months ago
Discussion Open

Dear all,

when I try to open settings (cmd+, or via dropdown menu) nothing happens at all.

Do you have any idea what I could do?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Bye, Thomas

Replies (4)


P. S.

I tried it on two systems: 1. iMac 2015, Monterey 12.6.5, and 2. MacBoo Pro 2012, Catalina 10.15.7 - all the same: no access to settings.


I'm using Mindmanager for Mac on Version 22.2.321 on an older MacBook running macOS Ventura 13.2.1. I can open Settings via keyboard and mouse. I do outsourced IT support for business and have a strong Apple/Mac practice (as well as Windows...).

I can't think of a reason why Settings would be blocked for you. I would strongly consider re-installing the app. Some people have noted that denying access to Calendar or other features had an effect on Settings opening or not. I have not had that issue, either, as I usually decline the Calendar access feature.

Curious if you've found a fix, though!


Dear Jeffrey,

that was it! I reinstalled the app and allowed access sensitive information. (Hm.) But here you go, now I have access to settings.

However, I was hoping to find (via settings) a way to define font, size, etc. of new branches (or branches in general) and, perhaps, even change the general style of the trees, branches and so on - like in MindNode, for example, that seems much friendlier concerning style and design than MindManager.

I have huge maps (translating 1000 word-pages in a map; it's a research project), and it takes a while to scroll down to cross-check something that is on the same branch-level, logically, but pretty far away in scroll-parsecs, so to say. In such moments, without any visual reference points I feel lost in the map ("lost in space"). It would be great to have a feature similar to that in Excel, for example, when activated the first line stays in place while you scroll down. So the logically close branches should be visible, and only when zooming out the logical order becomes obvious in its static structure.

Well, but I guess that is a topic I could answer in another question.

Once again, thanks for replying and your remark concerning access.

Bye, Thomas


I'm having this same issue, and I don't want to give access to my calendar. Can MindManager team fix this bug? Thanks in advance!
