Is it possible to important a mmap files into the MS Teams app?

Will H. shared this question 22 months ago
Discussion Open

Hi there, A couple of questions:

1. I've built a mindmap using the offline software and trying to import it into MS Teams - is this possible?

2. I'm doing the above as I want my colleagues to be able to view and edit the mindmap. Is MS Teams the best way that multiple can edit simultaneously?

3. What would you recommend if MS Teams isn't the best way?

4. Will my colleagues who are going to edit the mindmap need a paid MindManager account?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Best Answer

1.Yes It's possible,you import your file in your sharepoint site.

2.With Microsoft Teams you just need to be in the right channel to edit simultaneously with your team.But need a Microsoft Team licence for your colleagues.

3.Yes you need a professionnal ,entreprise or Mindmanager Teams licence for your colleagues .


Replies (1)


1.Yes It's possible,you import your file in your sharepoint site.

2.With Microsoft Teams you just need to be in the right channel to edit simultaneously with your team.But need a Microsoft Team licence for your colleagues.

3.Yes you need a professionnal ,entreprise or Mindmanager Teams licence for your colleagues .

