Sort markets in a group?

John G. shared this question 21 months ago
Discussion Open

I created a group and added several custom icons in the order I preferred. I have since replaced one of the markers with a new one, but that now appears last in the group. I want to move it up in the list (not sorted alphabetically, though). I tried to edit the saved market file (.mmms on MacOS), but it's not editable via Text Edit.

Is this possible?

Replies (3)


If there aren’t too many markers in the group, one option is to rename them temporarily by adding an alphabetical prefix in the order you want. You can then sort them alphabetically and then change the marker names back to the original.

For example, if your markers are in the order

  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow

And you want them in the order

  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Blue

Then prefix them as follows:

  • C Red
  • D Blue
  • A Green
  • B Yellow

Then sort, and delete the letter prefixes.


Good idea


Hi John,

I just realised that you were probably talking about icons rather than text markers (tags) and that you're using a Mac, however, the principle should be the same. You add the prefixes to the icon names in the marker group in the order you want them to appear in, then you sort the icons. When you have finished you can delete the prefixes.


Thanks Alex. Yes, Mac, and I am talking about icons. However, there doesn't appear to be a sort option at all. So updating an icon or adding a new one relegates it to last place in the list. Not a huge concern, but hoping there was a workaround.


Sorry - even when I realised you were using a Mac I assumed that because you'd talked about sorting alphabetically that this was possible with icons in the Mac version of MindManager in the same way they can be sorted in the Windows version. However, on reading the MindManager Mac help file section on markers it appears that you can only sort tags alphabetically but not icons at all, which is unfortunate.

If you have access to a Windows version of MindManager you could try opening the file in that and then sorting the icons in the way I described, but I have no idea if that will change anything when you reopen the map in the Mac version.


Hi John,

Are we talking about sort icons in the “Icon Groups” in the Markers from the Map Index right?

I only know three ways to sort the icons, the most easy way by far is to go the “icon view” and sort the icons there, is this what you need?


Hi Alex,

What do you mean with “If you have access to a Windows version of MindManager you could try opening the file in that and then sorting the icons in the way I described”

Can you open and edit a *.mmap file?


Hi Cleo,

Re your question to John - I think he wanted to change the order of icons as they appear in an icon group in the marker index, not in the icon view. I don't have the Mac version but John's response and my reading of the online help for the Mac version led me to assume that sorting icons within a group in the index isn't possible in the Mac version, whereas in the Windows version you can sort icons by name.

However, your response seems to indicate that there are ways to sort icons in the marker index in the Mac version after all (apart from changing the order in icon view). If so, I'm sure John would appreciate an explanation of how to do this.

Re your question to me - I'm slightly confused. Of course you can open and edit a *.mmap file in the Windows version or the Mac version. What I'm unsure about is whether changing the order of icons in a group in the marker index in the Windows version will affect the order in the index when the map is reopened in the Mac version.


Hi Alex,

My mistake, I was thinking about to open the *.mmap file on a code editor and change things there :)
