Is there a way to plan your day in time increments? (Kind of like a time sheet)

Stephen P. shared this question 23 months ago
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I'd like to show my tasks for the day on a sort of timesheet for what I plan to do when. I've played around using multimaps and smart shapes, but I haven't really found a solution.

Are there really no scheduling tools?

Replies (2)


Scheduling can be done via View => Calendar / Schedule

There you can schedule per day, week, month etc.

Unfortunately not per hour

But you can receive your tasks from your outlook calendar via Advanced ribbon and select all or one options that are available.
Now they are avaialble in the View=> Schedule and drag them to the date you want.

That gives you the overview you need.


In addition to Ary's suggestions, you could use Zapier to link tasks to a scheduling program, or export them to Excel.
