More than 1 user

Maria M. shared this question 16 months ago
Discussion Open

I just bought your Professional (best value). It shows 1+ user (persons), but now we can not use the license key more than once... Are we doing something wrong? Or did I buy the wrong license?

Replies (2)


Go to

Look for license support

You have to scroll down to contact Support to fill in a form or Phone call


It sounds like you chose the right license type, but perhaps not the right amount of licenses. All MindManager licenses from Essentials to Professional and Enterprise are personal. If you attempt to deploy one (1) license to more than one (1) user it wont work. A license can be used on all your devices but can not be shared with colleagues or friends.
The 1+ user means that the license type is recommended for one or more users, 1-4 to be exact, as 5 users can purchase the Enterprise license and receive a group discount and other group features.

Hope that helps.
Joel Averheim @ MindManager.
