MindManager Mac and Miro (Whiteboard)

gslade_2 shared this idea 23 months ago
Voting Open

I want integration between MindManager Mac and Miro (Whiteboard)

I want to be able to place a MindManager map within a Miro whiteboard so that the MindManager mindmap feels part of the whiteboard. For example:

  • I want the current MindManager Mindmap to display the current view and state within the Miro Whiteboard (either a refresh button or, better, an auto-refresh capability)
  • I want to be able to move the MindManager Mindmap within the Miro Whiteboard as if it were a native component. For example, I want to be able to place the MindManager Mindmap within a Miro Frame
  • I don't expect to be able to edit the MindMap directly within the Miro Whiteboard, but some sort of click and seamless handover into MindManager would work. Even better would be if there was an option once a handover had occurred for MindManager to have a button/option to hand back into the original Miro Whiteboard

In general, being able to leverage MindManager Mindmaps within other programs could be much better.

Replies (1)


It seems to me that you want Miro to be able to do something.The best way is to ask Miro developers.

Maybe Miro can show an image of your MindManager map?
Maybe Miro can incorporate a HTML5 file?
Maybe they can show a MM Published file?


I've tried all of those within Miro and other programs also, but I've never been able to get a MindManager map to display seamlessly in another program. The best I've got is a published map that basically shows a generic MindManager icon. As for an HTML 5 file, that doesn't address the core problem of wanting a dynamic MindManager map to be displayed (As the HTML 5 is static until manually refreshed and reuploaded).

I've noticed that other MindMapping tools (such as Ayoa) are creating their own Whiteboarding solutions and are integrating their MindMaps capabilities as part of this.

As Miro is a market leader in the Whiteboarding space, there is a strong argument for MindManager to work (likely in a partnership with Miro) for a strong integration. This would also allow for additional visibility to potential customers in another market area for MindManager and allow for driving new sales. Another alternative is for MindManager to create its own integrated Whiteboard, but that would need to be good enough to want to use (I'm conscious that we're still waiting for a mobile App that can edit).

I identified and shared an idea in the problem space rather than diving into the solution space. Of course, I can speak with Miro again, but it's never a great answer to make trying to achieve a seamless integration the customer's problem to figure out (I've tried).


Well... as a matter of fact MindManager has an integrated whiteboard. At least in the windows version.

You can open a new map using the FREEFORM template.( You could rename it Whiteboard if you like_)

There you can use all the background objects, forms etc. stuff together with map(parts)


I know this won't help you much but there is also an add-in for the Windows version of MindManager which integrates MM with OneNote: http://www.onenotegem.com/a/addins/pons-for-mindmanager-and-onenote.html. I don't really use OneNote but I understand you can set up a virtual whiteboard with it.
