Set default size of standard pasted image to specific size?

profkang shared this question 3 years ago

Is there any way to set a default size for an image that is dragged and dropped (i.e. pasted) onto a topic?

Here's my use case: I use a set of images (png). I have to use 512x512 png to maintain resolution when I print out parts of the map. But dropping them at this resolution makes them way too big. For me I need them to be about 14mm x 14mm.

I can manually resize each one via ctrl+scroll wheel after selecting the image but that's a pain. I can drag the image to mindmanager image library and create dummy text files that include the following info:



TextArea=50.000000, 50.000000, 50.000000, 50.000000

InitialSize=14.000000, 14.000000

Apparently the InitialSize info is read if the text filename is identical to the graphic filename. But that requires me to create a new text file for each image -- again a pain, and not feasible for non-technical users.

I've played around with all the file/edit options but they don't seem to do what I need. (Don't want the images to be treated as thumbnails with the magnifying lens marker.)

Am I missing something? Again, since many folks may be using a professional set of images and noticing blurry printouts unless they are high-pixel count, this would be a nice default setting to give us control over.

Replies (3)


It is either you want them small or you want them big.

I would re-consider dropping the images as thumbnail inside your topics. That way you keep the original size, but it is immediately smallsized in your map.

Also I would need clarification about your reason not to have thumbnails in your map, It is a map, so.....


Thanks for your question. I'm using images essentially as medium-sized icons. I would love them to stay roughly the size of the default images made available in the MindManager library. That's the goal. But 512x512 pixel PNGs drop in very large by default without the workaround described above with InitialSize.


My suggestion for this would be to use a free iconmaker service


Hi Profkang,

I'm currently working on making it easier to make size changes to all images at the same time, including future images. Note that this is already possible with thumbnail images just not standard ones. I can't share details on when this will make it into the product but this is something that will improve in future releases.


Wonderful. I appreciate the responsiveness and understand why you can't commit to any public timelines.
