Add zoom for notes - they are not usable

Daniel P. shared this idea 17 months ago
Voting Open

Information upfront:

I'musing 16" macBook with retina, either 27" retina or 42" 4k display attached. No matter which display used: the mindmanager leaf-notes are not usable in any of my configurations.

Expected behavior:

If I use the zoom function not only map but also notes should scale - or have it's own scale option.

Observed behavior:

Only the map scales but the notes keep tiny.


No workaround possible. Changing the font size kills all formatting and working togetther with people with other display sizes is just impossible.

Replies (1)


Hi Daniel,

Thanks for submitting an idea. Which MindManager Client are you using? We added Zoom to the Notes control in MindManager Windows starting as of version 2021.


