When will the presentation mode be available on MindManager for Mac?

Leandro M. shared this question 2 years ago
Discussion Open

Dear all,

Do we have an estimate date of when the MindManager for Mac will receive the Presentation mode (Walk Through View)? Or this not planned at all for the MAC version? Today I have to upload the mind map to the WEB so I can use the presentation mode... Not very productive at all.

Replies (1)


I know this has been open a long time. I'm not being sarcastic or "funny". I wouldn't hold your breath. The Mac versions have long been incredibly limited and painful. Thankfully (?), I use both Mac and Windows. My primary machine is a Mac, but I connect to my Windows computer to do diagramming and more complex mind mapping. UGH.

As a 20 year veteran of Mindjet for Windows, one of their first Mac customers, and someone who's spent a lot of time with support and outside Mindjet/MindManager experts, I expect the web version is the only way we'll see this feature for a long time, if ever.
