Filter option: show all leaves

Roberto C. shared this question 2 years ago

I often use filtering (e.g. based on priority flag) to show certain higher priority items (e.g. "book meeting with Tom"). However, if the visible item has children )for instance the agendas topics of the meeting with Tom), they remain hidden (unless of course they have the same priority flag as the parent, which I'd rather not do).

Is there a way to set an option such that if an item is visualized because of filtering, also all the children are also visualized?

Replies (1)


In MindManager for Windows it is at File > Options > Filter > un-check "Results display exact matches"


Hi, thanks for the tip, but I am afraid it does not solve my problem, even after selecting the option you suggested.

I have an item with priority 1 and children with no priority icon at all. When I filter for "Priority = 1", I see only the parent, but not the children.

If you have any "plan B", please share!


.... CORRECTION: your suggestion actually works ! I am using Power Filter queries, and the change in the option need to be replicated also in the "power filter" queries. It's not enough to change it in the "options" menu. thanks, again!
