do you have a video tutorial for using mindmanager GO creating on iphone?

Lily L. shared this question 2 years ago

I cannot open my Mindjet Maps app on my iphone 14. I downloaded Mindmanager Go app. But I do not know how to make a map on iphone 14 using the new app. Do you have a video tutorial for creating a mindmap using Mindmapmanager Go on iphone?

Replies (3)


Mindmanager go is a read-only app.

You can open maps stored in a cloud service like box, dropbox, sharepoint etcetera.

Creating a map can be done in the cloud version, the desktop version or the msteams app for mindmanager.

Prices can be found on


Thanks, Ary!

Do you have a app to create mindmap on iphone? 

That is very helpful to capture idea on the go!




As Ary has indicated the iOS MindManager Go app is read only.

Apparently you can open the MindManager Web version on an iPad or iPhone, but unfortunately the touch screen interface has not yet been fully implemented. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

This means that for the moment your best option is to use a third-party app to create or edit maps on an iOS device. There are several that can read and save maps in the MindManager format.

If you just to capture ideas on your phone to incorporate into a map later you can use the MindManager Snap feature which forms part of the MindManager Go app. You can use this to send an image or a note to the Snap queue from within MindManager Go which you can later incorporate into a mind map on your computer.

If Snap is set up correctly the ability to send whatever is on screen as a Snap will also be available in other apps as one of the options when you tap on the Share button. However, and somewhat annoyingly, you will still be asked to sign into your MindManager account from time to time when using Snap.


Thanks for the information.  I will try to use another mindmap app and save into mmap fpr PC mind manager editing. What is a compatible app do you recommend?


Best regards!



Hi Lily,

The admins are a bit sensitive about people using this forum to recommend competing mind mapping products.

in addition there are a lot of mind mapping programs both web and iOS-based that can read and write MindManager files and it’s difficult to make a recommendation without knowing your needs or preferences. I suggest you try a few of them. They mostly have trial periods - unfortunately, sometimes these trials are limited and don’t always allow you to import or export files, but you’ll at least be able to work out which ones have the features you want and the interface you prefer. Some work similarly to MindManager, while others are very different.


I meanwhile refrain from looking for an alternative app, just for map creation on the go. First of all, there are convertible laptops available, which I can use on the go in order to create or maintain a larger map, which I prefer to have it in the MindManager full functionality right from the beginning. For smaller ideas, additions to existing maps, I use the above mentioned MM Go Snap, which is good enough for that purpose.

I've tried a few alternatives to the MindManager, all of them having been an annoying experience. Instead, I prefer to focus on the MM, in extensive usage on a daily basis!
