XML error; can't open file

Jim O. shared this question 20 months ago

I'm experiencing the same problem as other users. I've seen the recommendations to send the file and have a technician remove the corrupt xml code, but my file contains sensitive information.

What to do?

MindManager version is 22.2.321

Computer is MacBook Pro running OS X 12.6.1

Replies (1)


Hi Jim,

Unless you are comfortable repairing zip archives and / or removing the illegal XML characters, it is best to send the file to our support team for repair. The file won't be shared and will only be sent back to you.

MindManager Support

Best regards,



Hi Marian -

I'm happy to give both a try, but need some instructions.
Sending the file is not a matter of trust, it's simply our corporate policy.




Marian - should I expect instructions?


Hi Jim,

This is a known issue and we are working on releasing a fix for it soon.

Best regards,



How to fix the XML yourself: Make a copy of the troubled .mmap file. Open it in BBedit where you will see the XML code content of the file. What we want to do is a global Find & Replace. Our target is an illegal character (code 01).

1) Open the .mmap file in BBedit.

2) In the Find field enter: \x{01}

3) Leave the Replace field empty.

4) Choose Replace All.

5) Save the result and close.

6) Open the newly saved mmap file in MindManager. It will churn for a painfully long time, but will open the file. Then choose Save As and save the file anew.

Test the new file by opening afresh to see that it opens right up.

Looks like MindManager has been sitting on this bug for at least a year, judging by postings in the community forum. The source of the problem is actually of longstanding: MM for Mac has for a long time, under certain circumstances, been inserting code-00 or code-01 characters in your maps.

Hope this helps.

