I have to allow local storage in general in browser and not again and again ?

Markus R. shared this question 19 months ago

Replies (2)


What do mean?


Everytime reconnecting via browser to Minimanager i have to allow the page to access my local storage to load my maps.
very annoying.


Hi Markus,

Unfortunately this is a limitation browsers impose on local storage functionality. Browsers do not allow web applications to store/remember that you have previously authorized local storage access. This means you will need to reauthorize the app to access your local storage each time you choose to access it.

We recommend using a cloud storage service like Google Drive, OneDrive, or SharePoint instead. Doing this has the added benefits of enabling our autosave capabilities and makes collaboration easier because you can share links to your files allowing recipients to view or edit your file depending on which permissions you gave them from your cloud storage service's interface.
