AzureAD SSO and Provisioning Separate Azure Apps?

Bob S. shared this question 19 months ago
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Hello. I am setting up our AzureAD SSO and I want to use automatic provisioning. The PDF guide for the provisioning instructs me to create a new Enterprise app in Azure. Is there a reason I can't configure the provisioning in the SSO enterprise app I am already creating? I've setup a few integrations previously and have never seen these two separated. I appreciate the insight!

Replies (1)


Hi Bob,

That should work. The instructions are written the way they are because we don't assume that every customer will have setup SSO before doing automatic provisioning. Please reply and let me know if it worked or if you had issues.



Hi Sia,

Thanks for the advice on this. I should have the SSO app built soon. It's with another team at the moment. As soon as it's configured, I'll setup the provision and let you know!
