HOW DO I STOP PROMOTIONAL POP-UP??? Already unclicked in options!

Bill V. shared this question 19 months ago

UNBELIEVABLE. NO other application puts a popup on the center of my desktop that stays on top. Yes, I have the "show promotional content" UNCLICKED in my options.

This has to stop ASAP or they lose a customer. I do most mindmaps by hand...

Replies (1)


Hi Bill,

In-product messages should not be shown at all if you have the 'Show Promotional Content' option disabled. There could be an issue with your installation where the option in the UI is not being written correctly to your registry. I would suggest trying to uninstall and reinstall MindManager and if the issue persists, open a case with Technical Support here -
MindManager Support

Further, if you have MindManager 22 installed, which you are entitled to, there are no messages being sent to this version. Please check if you have our latest version installed.

Best regards,

