Can MM on the web be used on an iPad with a keyboard?

Rvitaris shared this question 20 months ago
Discussion Open

I am aware that MM on the web will not work correctly on an iPad or other touch device since touch support has not been implemented. Does anyone know if MM on the web will work correctly on an iPad if you are using an external keyboard such as, in my case, Apple's Magic Keyboard?

The inability to use MM effectively on an iPad is the sole reason I have not moved from MindMeister to MindManager. Corel is really loosing out on business by not moving more briskly to either allow MM on the web to work on tablets or, alternatively, improve MM Go to have editing capability. They last said there would be some good news soon, but that was four months ago.

Replies (2)


Yes, MindManager for the web can be used on an iPad with a keyboard. MindManager for the web is a browser-based version of the software, which means it can be accessed from any device with a web browser, including an iPad.

You will be able to use the keyboard to navigate and input information as you would with a computer. However, some features and functions may not be available in the web version that are present in the desktop version.

It's also worth noting that you will need an internet connection to access MindManager for the web on an iPad.

You can visit the MindManager website to learn more about the features and capabilities of the web version and compare it with the desktop version to see which one suits your needs better.




There are several ways to start learning about macros:

  1. You can start by reading the documentation and tutorials provided by the software or platform you will be using to create macros. For example, if you are using Microsoft Excel, you can visit the Microsoft Office website and search for tutorials on creating and using macros.
  2. You can also take online courses or tutorials that are specifically designed to teach macro programming. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning offer a variety of courses on macro programming for different platforms and software.
  3. You can also find resources on the internet like blogs, forums, and videos that provide tips, tricks and tutorials on macro programming. Websites like YouTube and Stack Overflow are great places to start.
  4. Books can also be a great way to learn about macro programming. Look for books that are specifically written for the software or platform you will be using, as they will provide detailed instructions and examples.
  5. Practice and experimenting with the software on your own is also a great way to learn. Start by recording simple macros and then try to edit or modify them to see how they work.

It's important to note that depending on the software or platform you are working with, the process of creating and using macros may be different. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of macro programming and the specific syntax of the language used by the software you are working with.


I think this comment may have been intended for another thread or even another forum as it doesn’t seem at all relevant to the original topic.
