How to add start time and end time columns to Gantt charts when greyed out in options?

Gillian U. shared this question 20 months ago

When I open Gantt pro options the boxes to add start and end times columns are greyed out.

At the top of the options window there is also the warning that some features are locked if the charts are visible.

How do you access the option setting dialogue without a chart being visible?

Is there another setting that would prevent the start and end time columns?

Any suggestions to make this feature available again?

Replies (3)


Hello Gillian. To access the Gantt Pro options outside of a chart, click the down arrow on the "Show Gantt Pro" button and click "Default options". These are the Gantt Pro options that apply to all maps, unless options have been defined for a specific map.

By default Gantt Pro will choose the chart granularity automatically, depending on the granularity of tasks in the map. The default granularity is days. To always show the start and end time, change the setting to "Highest granularity", which will enable the start and end time columns for display.



Hi Nick,

Thank you for your response.

I don't have a down arrow on the show gantt pro button.

Is there another route to the dialogue?


Hello Gillian. Are you on Mac or Windows? I had assumed Windows, my apologies if this is not the case. This is how it is on Windows. Unfortunately I don't know how this works on Mac.



Hi Nick,

I am on windows but had got caught up only seeing the Gantt button on the Views ribbon, which doesn't have the arrow down.

Thanks to your response I have now found the other button on the Task ribbon.

Thanks again for your help.


Hi Nick,

Managed to change granularity with chart showing.

Thanks for your help and sorry for not reading your response more carefully the first time.

Have a great day.
