Missing Content in Co-Editing files / Duplicate entries in CloudCache folder

Daniel B. shared this question 2 years ago
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we got a problem that sometimes content is missing in mmap after co-editing sessions.

Is there a best practices/limitation for preventing those problems and optimize the Co-Editing?

As we found those graphic (from https://www.mindmanager.com/static/mm/docs/mindmanager-cloud-data-security-architecture-de.pdf) about how the co-editing work we think, that it could not only a problem of our side with SharePoint.

Also is it a problem that some of our users got a few duplicated files in their


We see that MindManager stores a cached map if some other users are working on a SharePoint map.

But some users still got the map with counting numbers behind the name. (see attachment)

Normally MindManager delete those files when closing the app. But if the users just click on their devices "shutdown" the process of MindManager is killed or MindManager crashes the cached files are still in the folder. Even if the Maps are closed during shutdown.

A few of them are the users who are missing content on Sharepoint stored files

Is this maybe a problem of the cloudcache folder or is there also maybe a max file size for SharePoint files.

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Replies (3)


Hello Daniel,

I am sorry to see your users are experiencing issues with missing content when using Co-editing. I have asked our Quality Assurance Team to investigate the issue with the Cached files remaining in the AppData folder after the MM Process is killed or in the event of a crash. Once they investigate, you will either be contacted by Quality Assurance or our Technical Support Team.

Best regards,



Hi Marian,

new information for this issue is that the Sharepoint file is saved correctly which can be seen the Fileversions on SharePoint. But after 1-2 new save points the chances are gone.

So we believe the issue will be in the aws sessions for co-editing and the CloudCache files on the users devices seems to be just a side-effect.



got another question which could also be fit into this case.

We receive often the attached message.

Just for understanding. Does this mean that the co-editing file on aws doesn't fit with the on SharePoint saved file differs?

At the moment the users save their files which is seen in the version list of SharePoint but they click on the lower button.

And which button would be the "best practice"? In our company there is the need for many co-editing maps.
