Search Function on Mac and HTML 5

Derek shared this question 20 months ago
Discussion Open


I'm switching from Windows to Mac, and I'm finding that I have a couple issues with searching my maps.

First, I can't locate a way to search multiple maps at the same time on the Mac version of MM, as I could on Windows - does this feature exist?

Also, exported HTML5 versions of maps have a search feature, and while it can search and find a single word in the map (including topics and notes), it doesn't seem to be able to search phrases within a note.

For example, if I enter this into the Search box: find this text, it will find the entire phrase if it's part of the text in a topic, but it will only find the individual instances of each word in the phrase within notes (find, this, and text), which results in hundreds of useless results. Again, is it possible for the HTML5 version of a map to search for whole phrases within notes?

Thank you for your help!


Replies (1)


Hello Derek,

Unfortunately we don't have similar search capability what we have on Windows platform where we can search through multiple open maps.

As a workaround you can use spotlight search on macOS to search text through multiple maps as long ad those maps are saved locally.

Let me know if this helps you.

Regarding your question about searching a phrase inside exported HTML file looks like a defect to me.

I have asked our Quality Assurance Team to look into the issue and find out if we support Phrase search inside Notes and I will update you soon.




Thank you very much, Shilpa!

I'll give your Spotlight suggestion a try. :-)

As for the HTML issue, I hope it can be figured out - that would be so helpful to me.

Thanks again!

