MindManager is blurred on a secondary display on Windows 11

Nick D. shared this question 20 months ago
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I have recently noticed that MindManager is slightly blurred when used in a secondary display on Windows 11. I think this is a recent change. Other applications such as Chrome or Word are not blurred. The secondary display is an extended desktop and is scaled at 100%. MindManager is sharp as it is dragged into this display, but becomes blurred when the secondary display takes ownership. I tried logging out and in again but that made no difference. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Replies (2)


The following worked for me. If anyone has any insight into what is happening here it would be welcome.

  • Right-click on the MindManager.exe file and click Properties
  • Click "Change high DPI Settings"
  • Override High DPI scaling behaviour with System (Enhanced)

MindManager is sharp again on the secondary monitor after doing this.



Hi Nick,

I hadn't read your response before checking the second monitor I use occasionally with my laptop, which works fine. In my case I think the two screens have the same resolution - I'm guessing here, but I wonder if yours are different and this may be part of the issue.
