Change TAG colour of a group

Cleo H. shared this question 20 months ago
Discussion Open

Hi everyone, I know there is a post with the same topic but i don't know why i can't leave a comment there.

Is there a solution yet, I changed my color system and now I have to change the color from approximately 1000 tags from 15 different Tag Groups, if I have to do it one by one I will not survive :(

thanks for your time

Replies (2)


Hi Cleo,

save your new Marker List with the new colors and apply it to your maps with the old color system.

You've to do this for each map.

Step by step.

save the new maker list in the Theme Organizer - Ribbon Design

Open a map with the old color system

Go to Design - Theme Organizer - Marker Lists - choose your new marker list and apply.

It's important that the names of the Tags are the same in the maps.

Kind regards



Sorry Andreas but I don't get it :( do I first have to change the tag colours one by one and you are teaching me to then export the colors to the other maps? or are you teaching me to change the tag colors all together by Tag group?

What I have now, let's say is a document "A" with 10 Tag Groups and 100 tags on each Tag group, I have to change every 100 tags from every Tag Gropu one by one? if so this is a lot of work.

Apart from that in the document "A", I have 10 Icon Gropus.



Hi Cleo, you've already changed the Tag-colors in your new map, aren't you?

Save a Marker List from this new map - the marker list itself can be saved as a template list 😀 - Ribbon Design - Theme Organizer

Now open an old map and apply this new marker list.

It's like changing the Desing Template in a map. You're changing the Marker List.

If you want, you can send me a map with your old Tag-Style and one with your new Tag-Style and I'll try if this will work.

Same works with Icon-Groups.




Hi Andresa, No I haven't change the colors yet. I just started and realized that it was so complicated to change the colors from 1000 tags approx one by one, that's why I made the post.

First I have to change the color from the tags, and the problem that I have is even I decide to change the tags color one by one I can't make work the .... eyedropper tool to select the color and I have to enter the R: G: B: value every ... time, does anyone know how the eyedropper tool works?


Nick D. has help me with the eyedropper part in the post how the eyedropper tool works?

And let's say that I changed the tag colors one by one, This Map has 10 Tag Groups that I changed the color, and 10 Icon Groups exclusive for this map, If I save the marker list I will have to save everything and some maps only need some of the new Tag Groups colors and none of the Icon groups. Is there a way to install more than one marker list on a map.


I changed the colors from a small Tag Group with only 20 tags with the eyedropper and then copied the Tag group and on the old map Paste Marker group and it keeps the new colors, is this the fastest way to do all the changing color thing?

Thanks a lot for your time :)


The response from Andreas raises a question. Are you talking about changing the colours of 1,000 unique tags in 15 separate groups, or as Andreas suggests, a smaller number of unique tags which are used 1,000 times spread across different maps?


Hi Alex,

as I remember Cleo has created several Tag-Groups and the changed the colors of the tags in those groups.
