With Mac Version 22.1.159 the Gannt view no longer works ?

`Rob P. shared this question 2 years ago
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It used to render a beautiful Gantt chart and it no longer works? I literally have a 2 projects on the go and now have to scramble for another tool? Can we downgrade our version?

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Replies (2)


If it was available in your earlier MAC version, it still is.

Can you add some detailed info of what you had and what you see now?

NOTE Including images in your message is easier than attaching them


Hi Rob,

I am sorry to hear that your gantt charts are no longer working. Can you privide us moree details of the issue

1.What was the old version used to create Gantt chart?

2. Please include images of what you had before and what you see now?

3. What macOS do you have?

4. Can you share the map with us? Is yes please share with me at shilpa.kabra@mindmanager.com.


