Export to MS Word faulted with an error "Item with specified name does not exist" in MM2020.

Kamesh C. shared this question 21 months ago
Discussion Open

When I am trying to export a particular map to MS Word with MM2020 windows application, the export is faulted with an error "Item with specified name does not exist".

Other details: (Note: Desktop 1 where the error happens, Desktop 2 on which map was prepared using MM2020).

1. On Desktop 1, export from MM2020 = Not Okay.

2. On Desktop 1, export from MM2022 = Okay.

3. On Desktop 2, export from MM2020 = Okay.

4. The error is excusive to this map only, we have other maps prepared in desktop 2 with MM20, exported in desktop 1 with MM20 without this issue.

5. The map with issue has a PDF file attachment in one of the topic. (FYI)

6. I have attached the screenshot of the error in the attachment.

Replies (1)


Export to msword is redevelopped in the latest version. And if you have both versions on one desktop the export in 2020 may be switched off since you can use the new in mm2022.

Is there something where the new export is not good enough?


Thank you, Ary V. for taking a look at my question, MM22 is well redeveloped thanks to MM.

But the person for whom I have prepared this map is using MM20, So I had to be sure the export works fine in his desktop.

Also following your answer, I tried exporting this map from a 3rd desktop which has only MM20, but I still face the same issue.


@Kamesh C.

You have some options te solve this and a last resort if nothing helps.

1) Try to do a repair on the desktops with only MM2020. Check if it is OK now.

2) Update their MM2020 versions to the latest MM2020 version. This may solve some glitches and Updates are free.

3) Upgrade the persons with MM2020 to MM2022. Based on your subscription and license model this should be easy.

And else I would recommend you to open the case with customer support here- MindManager Support


Unfortunately, upgrade is not an option in immediate future. I will check this issue with MindManager Support. Thanks again for your interest and support.
