Export Tag View as a Table

marc s. shared this idea 21 months ago
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I am using tags on topics, and need to create a table of the topics for co-workers to read. I would want each tag to become a column heading, and the topics to be placed into rows under each of those column headings.

In the attached example, I would want a table of 3 columns: To Do, Doing, Done. And 3 Rows.

Expected: I go to File>Export, choose Google Sheets or Excel.

Actual: There is no way to export a table of data.

Outcome: I have to manually build a table of data in Google Sheets or Excel based on the data that is in my Mindmap.

Replies (1)


Actually there is a relatively easy workaround to get part of the way there in the Windows version, but I’m not sure if it works for Macs.

In the Windows version you can open the Map Index pane, then click on the ADD drop down menu and select Copy Index. Start a new map and simply paste the copied index. A new map should be created in which the main topics will be the names of those groups whose icons, tags or other elements have been used in the source map. Appearing underneath these as subtopics will be the topics as tagged in the original map (which means of course that the same topic can appear multiple times, depending on whether it received multiple tags).

This map can then be exported (at least in the Windows version) to form a table in Excel. However, the layout may not be exactly what you want, in that as main topics the tags will all appear in one column with the child topics grouped under them in the next column. However, converting this format to one that's more appropriate would be relatively straightforward.

The main problem is this is an all-or-nothing approach, in that you can’t choose just a single group of text markers or icons. The whole Index will be appear in the new map including fill or font colours, etc. Still, it’s fairly easy to delete the groups you don’t want. Another issue is that it’s just the topics that will appear in the new map, and not any task information or topic properties.

In your case of course the biggest issue is whether this approach is available in the Mac version. For what it’s worth I posted an article on how to create the indexed-based map in the Windows version on my blog: https://sociamind.com/2021/07/04/mindmanager-reverse-mapping-and-exporting-the-map-index/


Hi Alex -- thanks for the summary. I looked in the Mac interface for the "Map Index Pane," and couldn't find it. And, there's no way in the Mac version to export to Excel (or Google Sheets) format.


Hi Marc,

That’s unfortunate - and I didn’t know MM for Mac can’t export to Excel.

I looked at the MM for Mac help file online and it appears it can export to OPML. There are third-party programs that can convert OPML files to Excel. However I don’t know how well they work, and sadly this doesn’t solve your original problem.
