Data file for the unique data in the "My Maps" on the right that create 'Collections'

Flack M. shared this question 21 months ago

I have searched all over my computer trying to figure out where Mindmanager stores the data that makes up my layout underneath "My Maps" on the right side of the software.

I have made numerous collections in here with various mindmaps in various collections. It would be a real loss to me if somehow I lost that data which creates layout I have added so much in here over time. It has been one of the powerful ways I have come to organize my information.

If I can find where the file is located, I can make sure it is backed up with the software I use for this where I can go back by day to get prior versions of that data in case the current version of that data got corrupted some way.

Also, it would be handy to know where this is located because I could then easily copy this over to my other computer where I have Mindmanager. That will work because I use a common method of data storage so the file location by drive letter remains the same no matter which computer I am using.


Replies (4)


It's in the system registry, not on disk. The key is


where xx is the MindManager major version. There are two subkeys, "Collections" and "Folders". If you can use RegEdit, you can export this key to a .reg file so that it can be reimported on a different system. Or a custom utility could be written to export it to a MindManager map or XML file.


Got it. Perfect and just what I needed. Easy enough for a simply backup script on this.

The only other thing I will say is how unusual they put that kind of data into the system registry. I am assuming there is a good reason for this but unusual from other work around programming.


Hi Flack, it's in the registry, because of it was always there located 😉 For every new version a new set of libraries.

Maybe you've recognized that the "My Maps" feature is deactivated by default sind MM2020.


@Nick D. First, thanks for taking the time to give me some guidance here. I did look up that location in my registry and the collections data for MyMaps was not there. However, your nudge got me down the right path where I then did a search of the registry. I did found was obviously the data given how the sub folders matched to my unique data. But, the path on at least my computer was the following:


I am posting this update for others that might find this question in the future on a search. Maybe the path will be different on other people's computers.

And, @Andreas L., I wonder why they keep deactivating this feature. I really have used this capability a lot.


It is odd that these keys are not in HKCU. Usually the keys and values which are specific to a user are copied up from HKLM and HKU to HKCU when you log in. I have these keys in HKCU for MM22 on my system. Have you customised the "my maps" configuration on MM22? Maybe it does not copy the keys up to HKCU if they are not customised.

The path you give in HKU is specific to your account so will have a different ID on any other system.


Hi Flack,

this is one of my favorite features and I'm using it daily. They deactivated, because of it doesn't support cloud storage.
