I can't use my software

Bingnan R. shared this question 21 months ago
Discussion Open


I am a Chinese subscriber and I cannot use my software. When I started the software, a pop-up window could not be loaded. When I tried to close the pop-up window, the software was closed directly. My Internet connection is normal.

Replies (2)


Best way for assistance on this subject please open a case with MindManager Customer Service here -
MindManager Support


Hello Bingnan,

Thanks for the post. Were you previously able to sign into MindManager?

A couple of things to try:

  1. Clear your cache and cookies in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
  2. If that does not resolve the issue, repair the installation of MindManager through the Windows Control Panel.
  3. If the issue remains, open a case with MindManager Technical Support here - MindManager Support

Best regards,

