Workaround for Search function?

marc s. shared this question 21 months ago


Is there a trick to getting the Search function to work? It will find one instance of a keyword, but upon clicking next, will not find any other instances.

I put in a support request but, until a fix comes out, curious if there are any workarounds.



Best Answer

Hi Marc

Thank you for reaching out to us. This issue will be fixed in our point release for Ventura support which is scheduled to come out next week.

Thanks for your patience,


Replies (2)


Do you mean Find or Search? Both seem to be working fine for me, so it sounds like a problem with your installation.

The two functions overlap a bit, especially if you are looking for keywords in the current document. So if one is not working the other might do the job.

Also, if you are using Find, click on the Options button in the Find and replace Dialogue box (if the Options are not already visible) and check if the appropriate Look in: options are ticked. And if you are using Search, check that the appropriate Look in options for location (including subfolders if required) are ticked, along with the topic field options under More search options.


Thanks for the response Alex. In the latest Mac version I only have an option for find. See the attached capture. In it I'm attempting to find the word 'Cat'. It finds one instance (i.e. Cat 2), but upon clicking "Next" it does nothing. It doesn't find "Cat 1".

I'm on Version 22.2.134 for Mac.


Apologies - I didn't notice that you'd indicated you were using the MAC version. It looks like tech support will be your best option.


No worries Alex.

FYI, I received this response from Mindmanager to my support request:

 I apologize for the problem you are now having with the search function, unfortunately, it is a bug so the issue can't be fixed today. The development team has already been made aware of this terrible error, and they are working on a new version, I am unable to provide a specific timeframe for when this update will go live but once it is you will be informed. I must apologize for this inconvenience


Hi Marc

Thank you for reaching out to us. This issue will be fixed in our point release for Ventura support which is scheduled to come out next week.

Thanks for your patience,



Hi Shilpa (and all) -- Closing the loop on this. The update (Vew Version: 22.2.321) that I was able to install this morning fixed the search issue I described above. Thanks for the fix MindManager.

