When will Formulas be added to Mac?

gslade_2 shared this question 21 months ago

Currently MM Mac will allow existing formulas to function from maps created in Windows, but you cannot create new formulas in maps. When will the Mac version of MM finally get then ability to add/use formulas (as per the Windows version)?

Replies (2)


Hi glasde,

We are planning to add this feature in our future releases. It is definitely on our near term roadmap.

While I cannot reveal the timelines, I can say that we understand the ask.

We will keep enhancing our offering to provide a better value.

There is an ability to add and vote on ideas in the community portal. I encourage all our loyal MindManager users to add their voice as well as vote and comment on ideas they are passionate about.





Thanks - great to hear it's on the near term roadmap. It got my vote!
