Why have the File Explorer Map Parts stopped working in MindManager 22?

Alex G. shared this question 21 months ago

Previously, when you inserted any File Explorer map part in a map a dialogue box would appear asking the user to select the relevant folder. However, in MM 22 this dialogue box does not appear, rendering File Explorer map parts useless. When will this be fixed?

Replies (1)


Hello Alex,

This issue will be addressed in the next MindManager 22 update, release date TBD. As part of the fix, the Map Parts for the File Explorer feature will be removed, and the functionality will be available through the Ribbon menu moving forward.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Best regards,



Thanks Marian,

So when you say “the Map Parts for the File Explorer feature will be removed, and the functionality will be available through the Ribbon menu moving forward”, does this mean that:

  1. the feature will be removed entirely in the next update and the equivalent facility provided in the ribbon menu in the same update; or
  2. The feature will be removed entirely in the next update, but the equivalent facility won’t be provided until a future update?

If it is the latter I’ll be very disappointed. This is an invaluable tool for organising research and should not only be retained but enhanced with a search facility.


You're welcome, Alex.

To clarify, only the Map Parts for the File Explorer are being removed. The File Explorer feature will be fixed and can be accessed through the Ribbon. See screenshot -

Thanks for the suggestion on adding Search to the File Explorer feature.




Thanks Marian - and mea culpa.

As I said in response to my follow-up question (which you can delete if you wish), I had become so used to the map parts option that I'd forgotten it was also on the ribbon. The map parts facility felt slightly more intuitive, but I can live with the ribbon option.

I also think adding a search facility to this would make it a really great tool. Not sure if I've already added this as an idea, but I'll post it again.
