searching through multiple mind maps

Catherine F. shared this question 21 months ago

I have hundreds of mind maps I've created, especially from notetaking & through research and my knowledge. This ability is extremely important to me. And to do it fast, easily. There are hashtags settings in MM 2022 for individual MMs. How can I search outside a mindmap to provide a list of topics I've hashtagged on a particular topic? All my maps are under one file called "My MindMaps". Is there a way to do this?

Someone said I probably need Trello to add the map in there and add keywords somehow so Trello can do this. I really don't want to buy, learn and use another piece of software -- only if I must.

I'm hoping there is an easy solution.

Replies (7)


I'm slightly confused - are you looking for a way to search across your existing collection of maps for hashtagged topics, or search other non-map files?

If it's the former you can use MindManager's Search function to search for a keyword with or without hashtags in topic text or topic notes (as well as a number of other fields) in any folder, including optionally all sub-folders. You can then click on any topic in the list of results to go to that map and topic. Alternatively you can send the list of results to a new map or a topic in an existing map - in both cases the the links to the topics shown will be live.

If you are talking about searching all files, MindManager does have the capacity to incorporate all the files in a particular folder (or folders only, or a combination of files and folders) using File Explorer Map Parts, but this is an all-or-nothing feature with no search capability built into it. Also for some reason this feature does not appear to work in MM 22.

However, if you want to search regularly using the same keywords you can create searches using Microsoft File Explorer and then save these searches as topics in a mind map. Up until version MM 20 this was relatively straightforward, and I describe the process in this post on my blog:

However, the problem with the MM 22 File Explorer Map Parts has complicated matters, as have changes to the way the internal browser works starting with version MM 21. For versions 21 and 22 use the following modified steps:

  1. In MindManager, click on Link under Insert on the ribbon and ensure that Use built-in browser for links is unticked.
  2. Open File Explorer and create a folder specifically for saved searches, then navigate to the folder you want to search.
  3. Create the search in FE. You can search by a variety of properties and also use Boolean operators.
  4. When the search results appear confirm that you have the results you expected and select your preferred layout to view them. You can choose how the results are sorted and if you are using the Details view you can specify which columns to show and in what order.
  5. Save the search to the folder you created in step 1. This should create a file which incorporates the name of the search. Repeat the process for any other searches you want to use in MM.
  6. Open the MindManager map in which you want to use the search results, select the topic you want to attach them to and import the search(es). Starting with version MM 22 the only way to do this appears to be to use copy and paste.
  7. To access any of the searches saved in the map simply double click on the search icon of the relevant subtopic in this folder. The list of files meeting the criteria should appear either in the default external browser.
  8. To use any of the files listed in the search results copy and paste or drag them onto a topic (you can highlight multiple files). You will be asked if you want to add the files as topic links or as attachments.


An update to this. While the File Explorer Map Parts have ceased working in MM 22, the File Explorer facility still available via the Ribbon under the Advanced tab. This means that you can use this facility in relation to step 6 above, instead of relying on copy and paste.


Thank you. Took a few times to figure out but I now think "I've got it"! TKU TKU TKU


I'm researching whether to start using Obsidian and I am a avid MindManager 2022 user. I'm trying to find out if there is some way to search on all my maps (say they may have to be kept in the same folder under a drive, don't know this yet). For example: I read, research a lot on the topic of nonfiction writing (because I teach the topic). I read every book that's appropriate and now have almost 90 MMs on the topic. Let's say I'm writing something specifically on outlining. I would like to be able to search the folder and bring up anything on any map that has a reference to outlining. Can MM do this or do I need an outside app to place the MM's in and add hashtags/keywords to so it brings them up. If Obsidian doesn't do this, I know Trello and OneNote will add the MM into their app but the searching doesn't connect. Maybe I need to stop using MM for summarization and go straight to one of those? Which means I lose years of notes. I'm open to answers (even though I may not like them).


Have you considered using the built in Search facility?

Alex has mentioned it, but maybe you overlooked?

It is in the Task panes on the side and you can search for words in folders and subfolders like your outline (or Project as in my example see Image. I use the Dutch language, but all functions are avaialable in French or English at the same location)

It will show all maps found with te word and the topics where it is found. If you click on it it will open that map at that location



I was trying this but wasn't successful. Do I need to add hashtags or keywords in each map first?


Yes, as I mentioned and Ary has explained on more detail, searching for keywords in MindManager map files from within the program is relatively straightforward.

My answer was more complex because I thought you may have wanted to search all files, not just MM ones, and that is more complicated.


You have MM22 for windows.

If it does not work now, you may consider a repair via your control panel,

If that does not help enough you can contact support.

MindManager Support
