How to turn on auto-save MM Web?

Damien P. shared this question 22 months ago
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I am a new user (love the product!) and have lost work on a Map as it seems not to be on auto-save, which I find very odd for a web-based product. Any assistance greatly appreciated!

Replies (4)


Same here worked all day on a critical project, had selected Save regularly. Browser window stopped showing menu bar and some of the screen. Refreshed the browser, no luck, went into Files to Open - not there!


Hi Damien and Bob,

I'm sorry to hear you had issues saving your work. Which storage provider were you using to save your files to (EG OneDrive, Google Drive, etc) when you experienced the issue?


Hi Sia, I'm just using local file location (I could not get Google or One Drive to connect to MM Web)


Hi Damien,

Autosave is not available for local files due to browser limitations. Can you post some screenshots of the errors you encounter when trying to connect a cloud storage provider like Google Drive? Or if you prefer we can schedule a meeting so you can demonstrate the issues.
