Mindmanager 22 when saving runs slow

emonterog shared this question 22 months ago
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I am not sure why this is happening but I recently created a map with some links pointing a Sharepoint location. When I hit save, it shows a pop up window with a bar Saving in progress and takes several seconds to complete (30 to 40 sec). The map is not large and it has only like 4 attachments and 6 links from the sharepoint, what could be the reason it is behaving like that because is very annoying and consume a lot of time. I had to even disable the autorecover function because that was making crazy too. Any ideas?

Replies (1)


Hi Emonterog

If you right click your central topic and Send topics to > New linked map.

With these settings.
And save the map, does it take as long? If Yes, YEEY,

if No -> what exact version are you on? Menu: File > Help. 22.XX...

On the same page, please check what bit-version have you installed. Open up any office application and check what bit-version of MS Office do you run.

Let me know.


HI Joel,

Thanks for the workaround but the issue persist, is taking extremely long time to save and the app hangs there for around 40 seconds before I can take control of anything. Any ideas what could be the reason?

The map is not large and has only 6 links from a sharepoint.

I am using either Office and MM22 on 64 bits. MM22 version is 717a797a54642a3bd5ac96a234911251


The install is correct.. This sound like a case for tech support I'm afraid.. https://www.mindmanager.com/en/support/contact/
