View with due date over all projects

Yves R. shared this question 23 months ago
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I use a kanban software currently which allow me, at the due date, to see all the tasks over all the projects I have (about 30) on a special like “resuming kanban”. Does MM have a possibility as well, or there is no interaction between the projects and I have to check the due dates in every project separately?

As well, this software has an Agenda Board which is an overview “super board” with column like “Focus” or “Urgent” (defined by me) . If I flag a task in any board with “Urgent”, I will have all these Tasks in “Urgent" in the "Super board” .

Replies (1)


I assume you use the MM22 for windows version.

your first question:

Yes. Most users create a dashboard map where they can see details of sub maps (projects) using Map roll-up function.

Your second question:

Yes. There is a calendar view and since you can define the columns as you like, and you can use several views just a click away, you should be OK


Thanks Ary

MM is much more complete and complicated than the software I use so I might have to try some different perspectives to come to the result. I will go more into the roll-up function.

Regarding the 2nd question would be a calender view over all the boards / MAP. I suppose it goes in tzhe same direction.

I use MM22 on Window but as well on Mac


Hi Yves,

you can create a map where you link to all your project maps - got to ribbon View - Linked Maps - Combine all maps

Now you created a NEW master map with all the tasks from your different project maps

I use those master maps to get an quick overview of all my tasks or use it in a meeting and mostly I save it with the date of creation.

Best Andreas


Thanks Andreas, that will help me, I will test this solution
