Excel Data Mapper import extremely slow after 22.2.207

james.lin shared this question 23 months ago
Discussion Open

I have a mindmap that was created using the Excel Data Mapper function. It used to import relatively quickly whenever I would update with changes made to the excel file. After the v22.2.207 update, I now find that it is extremely slow (and won't even finish). Let me know if you need any additional information.

Replies (3)


Hello James,

Thank you for the feedback. Are you seeing this issue with all Excel files when importing or just specific files?

Are you able to send the files to us to investigate? If so, please reply here with the files attached or reply to the message I sent you privately.

Best regards,



It can take a while if the .xls is large. We imported about 2.000 records and it tooks 30 minutes.

My standard import .xls is smaller and the time hasn't change with 22.2.207


Apologies for not getting back to you. It looks like it's not related to the size of the excel file and is actually due to when my excel sheet has data validation for the cells and there is an error in one of the cells. It seems that it causes the import to never complete.


Thanks for the additional information. I will pass this along to our Engineering Team.




Hi James, could you tell me what kind of data validation error do you see? Is it a calculation or something else? If you don't mind attaching a small sample file with the same error that would be the best for us to replicate, if you don't mind... thank you very much.
