how to open and edit a mindmanager file in google drive

Thyrone shared this question 23 months ago

I make mindmaps on my laptop and share it with myself to use on my tablet. But I and my colleagues only get a view only option. Even though the original file says that the co-edit feature is on (green).

This is very frustrating when visiting clients. I think I have tried all options. What, if any, am I doing wrong?

See attached file.


Thyrone Magloire

Replies (1)


Hello Thyrone,

You cannot edit the files in Google Drive directly. In MindManager Windows, Mac and Web, you can add Google Drive as a Place by going to File>Open>Add Place and then choose Google Drive. After signing in, you will be able to open and save files in Google Drive.

Unless your tablet is Windows, you will need to use the MindManager Web Client to edit your Maps in the browser (Requires a full MindManager Subscription)

Steps in MindManager Windows 22 -


Best regards,

