Note printing

Catherine F. shared this question 2 years ago
Discussion Open

By design the printing feature in MM 2022 (and it also did this same method on the past 5 versions I used) was to print each note on a single page. I don't need to print them out often but when I do I need them continuously on a page to reduce the paper and ink used and the search and find in time. If it could be printed in PDF to all in one page that would work as well. How about changing it after how many years now? At least 8 through 4-5 versions. If not PDF, Word is good too. I've made this request during the last 8 years and never received a response. Can't this be programmed to do? At least give me an answer so that I know when a client demands a copy I will enter it into another mind map app.

Replies (2)


Since I don't export or print notes by themselves I didn't realise that MindManager behaved in this way. I support your idea, and despite the lack of response in the past it might be useful to raise it again.

There is one workaround I can think of, which is to use MindManager's Word export facility to select only topics with notes and as much as possible remove everything else you don't need. To start, you need to filter the map first. Click on the Power Filter icon and under text and Other Elements tick Notes under Other Elements. The map should now show only topics with notes, and the parents and other "ancestors" of topics with notes.

Then start the Word export process, selecting Custom Export under Export Type. Under Topics click on Filtered topics, and then under the following screens don't include icons, tags, task info or properties (unless you want any of these to be included). When you come to Map Elements click on the Include only selected map elements and untick everything except Notes.

Make surer the options under Additional Content are unticked. Under Topic Info Layout I suggest selecting Paragraph, and Icon style shouldn't matter assuming you are not including icons. Under document formatting you can decide which option you prefer (remember that if you choose numbering the topics will be renumbered compared to the map). Untick all the Map Elements Prefixes (unless you are including any of these), then under Template & Style select whether to use Map style or a Word template, and adjust the numbering and formatting options to suit your preferences if you choose the latter.

Click on the Export button, select a location and a file name to save the document. When the export process is over, open the file. Topic names should appear as headings, and (depending on the choices you made under Template & Style) the topic notes should appear as normal text underneath each topic.


Thank you, that worked!


Hi Catherine,

very good idea. I'm with you. A big wish for ages. Please could you post this in the ideas section. Then we can vote on it.

Thank you

Regards, Andreas


Completed the suggestion.


Thank you 😀 I voted for it 👍
