Url format to connect to local mysql server

David C. shared this question 2 years ago

Hi I'm in evaluation mode. I'm trying to connect mindmanager 22.2.207 to a local mysql server v8. 0.30. No matter what I put on the server line with root username and password I can't seem to connect. What format should the server entry take?

Replies (1)


Hello David,

This is a known issue. The Database Linker in MindManager is no longer supported and is a semi-retired feature and will likely be fully retired in a future release.

Best regards,



Thanks for the reply Marian. I'm sorry to hear that. I'd like to be able to run much more complex calculations. My work around was to run the computations in python and populate a database with the results then attach them to the appropriate topics in the map. Is there another way to do this? Do you have an api for a compute engine like Matlab or Mathematica or C++ or Python bindings? Thanks!


Maybe a workaround via MSExcel ? There is Excel Data Mapper in MindManager


Via ZAPIER? There is a MindManager Zapier ZAP


Hi Ary, yes if I understood Marian's comment correctly, only the database connectors are going away. I'm assuming excel spreadsheet access will continue to be supported. I was able to connect to an Access database. Is that going away also?
