Add radial map features similar to Goalscape

Andreas shared this idea 2 years ago
Voting Open

I would like to see some radial map features in MindManager similar to Goalscape. See here and here

Replies (1)


This has been raised several times.

This time by @akrde, but several other names were used as well.

@ Ethan M.

I can imagine this could be anice view for some purposes.

Developers please decide if this is feasible within your time and money budget


I agree with Ary. The number of times a radial view option has been suggested and the number of votes each mention has received indicates that there is a lot of interest in this and other map views currently not available in MindManager, such as tabular and bubble views.

If a radial view is selected then there should be an option to manually vary the size of each segment.


As a matter of fact Bubble view was already available in MindManager (Project Director )

This means the code is available and may only need to be converted to the latest standards in use.

And also a calender view and Health Summary view


Thank you Ary,

I really miss Cohuman (Project-Director) this was so perfect for our daily needs. Hope the development team is able to reimplement those perfect features.

Regards, Andreas


MindManager already uses the term "Radial Map" for standard mind maps. Perhaps we should better replace the term with "Concentric Map"?

Goalscape maps are concentric goal maps on steroids. You can make segments (subgoals or tasks / key results) smaller or larger depending on their importance. In the outermost segments (= tasks or key results) you can record the progress, which is visually indicated by the shading of the segments. Along with the importance of each segment, this tracked progress automatically rolls up to the progress of the inner segments up to the main goal in the middle of the map, also visually represented by appropriate shadings. You can zoom into a segment at any time, giving you a new concentric map view of the subgoal. A minimap shows which part of the main map has been zoomed into.

It would be great if some or all of these features could be implemented in MindManager. That would definitely be a real game changer in the large mind mapping software market.


Goalscape map created in Goalscape vs. created in MindManager with exactly the same Importance/Progress indicators. What do you think about it?


Thanks for the update. I hope the view will be included in the upcoming version of the Mind Manager.

