flow chart notes printing sorted

Thomas W. shared this question 2 years ago

Hi together

I use notes when creating flowcharts. When creating the process steps, I always add new steps. That's why there are always new notes. When printing the notes, however, they are not printed one after the other, but in the order in which they were created. I then have to sort them out. Is there a solution for this?

Thanks in advance

Replies (3)


I think this is because MindManager doesn’t “know” anything about the logic of the flowchart, especially as the topics are linked by relationship lines rather than being in a hierarchical map. To make matters more complicated, flowcharts and concept maps can have topics linked in every direction, which would make it hard for the program to guess the logical order.


Are there any work arounds to sort the output? I downloaded the Wordx plugin but that doesn't have anything as far as I can tell. I created a number of process flows and now the export is useless.


See my suggested workaround in this thread: https://community.mindmanager.com/topic/1518-map-type-for-ordered-export. Basically you manually number the topics in the order you want them to appear when exported, say "01. ", "02. " etc, and you number the associated topic notes "01.1 ", "02.1 ", etc, then sort them in Word after export.


Hi Tomas,

this is one of my biggest wishes of the next update.

MM flowcharts gets exported in the order they nodes where created.

It would be perfect if I can move it in the outline view in the order I need, but this is not possible.

Regards, Andreas


I agree with the wish. The flowchart map is a bit of a "gotcha" in this regard. I now understand that it is based on the relationships that would order the topics, but some steps will have multiple inputs that do not require a decision. Apparently there is no way to specify so that the export is ordered. Is there any way to convert a flowchart map to another type? An export/import method perhaps? Tx.
