What happens to MM desktop if subscription is cancelled?

Janndk shared this question 2 years ago
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"Upgrade Protection Program" got changed to an annual subscription, but it's a bit unclear for me what this actually means - especially if I want to cancel my subscription at some point: will Mindmanager desktop still keep working?

Replies (2)


Hi Jann,

No for any version you have a perpetual license for the desktop app will continue working, but if you cancel you will lose access to cloud features like co-editing, Snap, MindManager Web, etc.


But what about future desktop versions (if there are going to be any?) that comes during the subscription?


I too would like this question answered. In the context of the MindManager Professional subscription (Annual Plan), will that include new updates to MindManager for Windows? If the subscription ends, will I lose access? My current understanding is YES because MindManager for Windows will occasionally ask me to log in which I assume "validates" an active license.

But then again, in my case, my "Account Details" page shows:


Can I interpret the "Expires" dates of "N/A" to mean "Never"?


Hi Sherm,

N/A means Never 😀 you bought this license so it belongs to you

Regards, Andreas


As I've understand the new license program for single users is only the subscription license available.

Enterprise starts with 5 users.
